committed to building stronger communities together
our approach
empowering people
Building stronger communities means helping equip people for long-term resiliency and sustainable success. At Chevron Canada, we work together with stakeholders and rightsholders to understand local needs and support impactful initiatives that promote the health, well-being and safety of people and communities where we operate.
advancing environmental stewardship
Caring for the environment while providing the energy the world needs takes commitment supported by partnerships and investment. Chevron Canada supports opportunities to learn about and care for the natural environment and initiatives related to advancing environmental stewardship and progressing the future energy system.
creating prosperity
At Chevron Canada, we believe the world needs curiosity, imagination and ingenuity to find innovative solutions to challenging problems to improve society. We aim to ignite and inspire new possibilities by equipping the next generation of problem solvers with skills in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math to support tomorrows future leaders, build stronger communities and enable a more prosperous future.