oil sands

responsibly developing a world-scale energy resource

Electric excavator loading a truck at the Albian oil sands mine

Chevron Canada has been reliably and responsibly developing and producing oil sands in Northern Alberta for over 20 years. The Chevron Canada Oil Sands Partnership holds a 20 percent non-operated working interest in the Athabasca Oil Sands Project (AOSP) near Fort McMurray, Alberta.

Oil sands ore is a naturally occurring mixture that contains sand, water, clay and bitumen (a viscous form of crude oil). At the Albian Sands mining and extraction operations, oil sands ore is surface mined from two mines, Muskeg River and Jackpine.

Bitumen is extracted from the ore and mixed with diluent to allow the viscous crude to be transported by pipeline to the Scotford Upgrader near Edmonton, Alberta. Here, diluent is separated from the bitumen and returned to the mine, and bitumen is upgraded into synthetic oils using hydroprocessing technology. Synthetic oil is then transported to Canadian and global markets.

Chevron Canada also holds a 20 percent nonoperated working interest in the Quest Carbon Capture and Storage facility, located near the Scotford Upgrader. 

Illustration of 3 oil barrels

51,000 barrels

Chevron Canada’s average net daily synthetic oil production in 2023
Icon indicating movement of C02 to underground storage

industry first

Commercial-scale carbon capture and storage project in the Canadian oil sands