protecting the environment

delivering the energy the world needs while protecting the environment

Protecting the environment while meeting the world’s energy needs takes dedicated people, effective processes and leading technologies. It’s part of our Chevron Way values, which underpins all our actions.

environmental focus areas

Managing our environmental impacts is how we get results the right way. From planning and construction through operations and asset retirement, we work to improve our environmental performance and reduce potential impacts of our activities using our Operational Excellence Management System. Our efforts are focused on:

preventing and mitigating the consequences of accidental releases

managing waste and wastewater

conserving and protecting water and biodiversity

managing waste and wastewater

conserving energy

retiring idle assets and reclaiming sites with residual environmental impacts

how we steward responsible water management

Water is vital to our operations as we develop and supply energy to meet the world’s growing demand. We strive to responsibly and efficiently use water across our operations.

Our water management strategy aims to improve our performance in three areas: sourcing, reusing and disposal. We work together with industry to explore technological improvements to reduce our water usage.

Water reservoir at a hydraulic fracturing site in Alberta

Chevron Canada is utilizing water reservoirs for its hydraulic fracturing completions operations in the Kaybob Duvernay Program.

In our shale and tight operations in Alberta, we use water from a variety of freshwater and non-potable sources during hydraulic fracturing operations. Our aim is to reduce or eliminate our reliance on potable freshwater, where possible. Non-potable sources can include recycled flowback and produced or processed water, non-potable groundwater sources, treated municipal or industrial wastewater and effluent, and deep groundwater saline sources.

Flowback water from the hydraulic fracturing process and produced water from the operational phase is transported by truck and pipeline to third-party waste management operators for disposal. We dispose all flowback water in accordance with government regulations at designated facilities.

what is flowback?

The flow of fracturing fluid back to the wellbore immediately after hydraulic fracturing is completed.

what is produced water?

Water that is naturally present in the reservoir or injected into the reservoir to enhance production, produced as a co-product when gas or oil is produced.